Wednesday, September 7, 2016

April 2016

April was a busy month! Garrick was busy with school, graduation, packing up all of our stuff and getting ready to MOVE to Iowa for the summer. Life got a little crazy especially toward the end of the month when Grandma Beck passed away and we rearranged our plans to make it home for the funeral. We said a quick goodbye to our Utah home.  
Rosie's first Easter! We spent the day with the Beck Family at Mapleton which included our traditional egg toss and egg throw. 

This babe has officially outgrown her newborn clothes and now fits into 0-3months!

First time in the stroller and she's cute as a button!

Our little gremlin. 

This poor baby got an eye infection. She only took a pacifier the first month but anytime she isn't feeling well she'll take it. That's how I know something is off. It's too bad though, I think she is so cute with a binky, I wish she'd take it more often!
I try to get out of the house at least once a day with Rosie, whether it's going for a walk or laying on a blanket outside. I love it. 

 Rosie's three month update: She loves her hands, standing, talking, getting massages from daddy, off roading in the stroller. She hates going to sleep, pacifiers, being swaddled, and having the sun in her eyes. Can't believe she's already three months!

Before we moved we were able to spend some time with Garrick's family! It's pretty hard to get the whole group together so it was really nice to have everyone there. We even got to spend some time with his grandparents who had just moved to Utah. We've been very blessed to live so close to family for so long. We will miss our Gaffney family. 

We finally made it home to Iowa just in time for everything. It was hectic getting there but was worth it when we were all together. Grandma Beck's funeral was beautiful, she lived a life of faithful christlike service and will forever be an example to us all. 
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