Sunday, September 25, 2016

5 Month Old Rosie

Rosie has hated tummy time since the moment we started doing it. But she has really made strides while we've been living in Iowa. She'll last a little longer before throwing a tantrum. I'm convinced she will never crawl ha. 

Celebrated Garrick's first Father's Day, obviously that meant these two had to match to church. Garrick is an incredible father to Rosie. I'm so glad I married a man who loves kids so much. 

Rosie isn't a morning person, she's a fragile flower when it comes to her emotions which is shown by this video haha. 

Proof that she has cuddled with me at least once in her life. 
Family night at the lake. Garrick and I were on the jetski and came back to find Rosie glued to my mom. She NEVER cuddles so it was so stinkin cute to see her like this for about a half hour! This picture melts my heart, she loves her grandma!
This babe looks amazing in a swimsuit!
Rosie's second movie theater experience went much better than her first. Her first movie was Mockingjay she slept through some of it and then woke up screaming so we spent the remainder of the movie in the lobby. But she did great during Independence Day! She just wanted to talk through the whole thing so we watched most of the movie in the hallway where we weren't next to people to distract. But we actually got to watch the whole thing!
Helping set the table.
Baby girls first 4th of July! 

We've been doing some remodeling to the Beck house while we've been staying there. Kayla has been   on Rosie duty, this is what happens when I leave her alone with Rosie.

 She has been sitting up on her own for a few weeks now. It literally happened overnight, all of a sudden she decided she wanted to sit up by herself and was a pro! She has also started sleeping through the night as of this week! 🙌 Her stubbornness is coming out the more we do tummy time, but she is so so close to rolling over! She is growing so fast and getting cuter every day. 💛

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