Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The New Place

This is to document how our new hood looks before we transform it into something a little cozier.

Living Room:
It's a little bit of a fixer upper (name that song).  The walls need painting and the doors have a hard time closing, but the carpet is really nice! Basically there's a lot of potential here. Once we throw up curtains, get some pictures on the walls, add some bright pillows I really think it will look awesome! We've also been promised that a paint job is coming in the near future....

 Again, the walls desperately need a new coat of paint, there tons of "touch up" parts that are all discolored and stand out like a sore thumb. The table, chairs, and storage shelving unit were free, courtesy of Mama Gaffney. The no dish washer thing has taken some getting used to, we are back to the old school dish washing by hand. But we love how much bigger it is in general than our last apartment. It's also cool having a back door, even if there is no light outside and we have to feel our way to the door, through the lock, and across the kitchen to turn on light. Hence the lamp solution by the door.

The bathroom and bedroom are both tiny and I'll document them on another day. Here's to home projects!

 photo jamie.jpg

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