Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Pregnancy Woes

A couple things I've learned while being pregnant. First of all, I've taken sleeping for granted my entire life. I have never had trouble falling asleep or waking up during the night. I loved sleep so much, it's been my favorite part of the day! Garrick on the other hand has always had trouble sleeping and he hates going to bed. He lies awake for hours trying to get his body to sleep. I always thought he was a weirdo and just didn't know how to relax. Now that I've been pregnant, I've experienced sleeping struggles and it's the worst thing ever. I am constantly waking up, going to the bathroom, trying to get comfortable, trying to get baby to stop kicking, etc. It's terrible. Everyone says that you need to get all the sleep you can before baby comes. What people don't tell you is that it's impossible to do this while you're in your third trimester. Okay, rant over. 

Other fun things that have happened during my pregnancy is a little thing called "pregnancy brain" It's a real thing, guys. It show as evidence, here are two socks that I paired together and put in Garrick's dresser. Neither of which are his socks! He couldn't believe that I had actually paired these two together. I have no recollection of doing so but the evidence is clear as day...
Second occasion was after my baby shower. We were packing the car with all of my baby stuff. Lauren had given me the keys to the church just 5 minutes earlier but all of a sudden I couldn't remember what I had done with them. I didn't want to lock the church until I knew I had them. So I made everyone stop and help me look through the boxes and bags of stuff. I clearly remembered putting the keys in something...My friend Aly kept asking me if I was sure they weren't in my pockets. I kept responding, of course not-I would've remembered putting them there. After several more minutes of looking, Aly told me again to just check my pockets. Frustrated, I agreed and sure enough in my pocket it sat. 

Another incident where it has shown itself was last Saturday. I was starving and wanted to go to Betos (they have the most delicious fish tacos). After we filled my tummy I wanted to go to Target to look at baby stuff, which was a 30 minute drive with all the traffic. Garrick is not a fan of Target and really didn't want to drive all the way there. But he was nice and didn't complain once as we fought through traffic to get there. Once we finally parked the car and we were getting out I immediately remembered that I had a purse at one point and I must have left it at Betos. Without even stepping foot into Target we got back in the car and headed back down to Provo to look for my purse. Betos was super busy so we figured it'd be best to check at home first. We drove home and sure enough my purse was hanging on a chair. Garrick was frustrated with me for a couple minutes but then was super sweet and laughed it off. This is our life now and he is embracing my prego brain.
And here is more evidence that a child is in fact growing inside of me. T-minus 5 weeks till baby comes and Jamie becomes normal again!
 photo jamie.jpg

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Thank heavens for a pregnancy update! Holy SMOKES you are the single cutest pregnant person I have ever seen!! No way are you due in five weeks!