Friday, December 12, 2014

A Beautiful Life

I know I haven't posted since the summer and I'll eventually get around to doing a massive catch up post but I just wanted to talk about life for a second. 

Last night Garrick came home early (11:30pm) so we could see each other since it had been a few days (finals are the worst). We were getting ready for bed, talking about politics, normal stuff. Then he turns on a song from Lion King 2, and we're just lying in bed laughing and singing and talking about the best disney sequels and while I was laying there I couldn't help but think how beautiful our life is right now. 

We have busy schedules, we're dirt poor and we stress about the future. But our stage in life right now is truly beautiful. I wouldn't change a thing.

One day that'll change, we'll have a family, a mortgage, careers, and be real adults. But for right now it's just us and I plan on appreciating every single minute of it. 

 photo jamie.jpg

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