Sunday, January 26, 2014

Golden Birthday

Let me just being by saying that for some reason, golden birthdays are just so much more cooler. But it's even sweeter that I turned 21! I am now legally able to purchase alcohol, adopt a child, supervise a person who is learning to drive, gamble in a casino, purchase and conceal a gun. And most importantly Garrick doesn't feel like he robbed the cradle anymore. Life is good!

My birthday week entailed my coworkers decorating my office with the sweetest notes, my amazing boss spoiling me with a gift and a lunch date, eating delicious food from Red Robins, IHOP, and Olive Garden (birthday freebies are the bomb), thoughtful gifts from my incredibly cute husband and my favorite part- 21 Krispy Kreme donuts to put me in a happy sugar coma (we may or may not have eaten 2 dozen donuts in 2 days...) I am so blessed to have so much. 
 photo jamie.jpg

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