Here are more bits and pieces of our summer!
Garrick took a much deserved backpacking trip to King's Peak in July. We backpacked 30 miles in 2 days!! I would've died...But he fell in love with backpacking and has been trying to get me to go ever since. His pictures are breathtaking!
Here we are getting ready to float the Provo river. Garrick is taking our picture, he was very much a part of this experience we shared. For some reason we chose a cool summer day to float the very freezing water. To make matters worse, we were impatient and didn't blow up our tubes enough so we were in the water more than we would've liked. Poor Garrick was a gentleman and took the smallest tube which resulted in his entire body, sans his arms and thighs, immersed in the freezing mountain water. I have never seen him cold but his entire body was shaking the whole way down! After a pretty miserable hour down the river we all decided we had had enough and walked the rest of the way. This was the second time Garrick and I had braved the cold river and floated down, both experiences have been disappointing. So my conclusion is that floating the river really isn't fun at all, it's just extremely cold!
One of the items on my summer to do list was fly kites. I had gone 22 years without having flown a kite before so I was so excited to finally do it. We went with our "little brother" Tommas and it was so fun! We went on a pretty windless day so we did a lot of running around to keep the kite flying but it was awesome. We became pretty pro kite runners, it'll definitely be an activity we do again!
I've decided UVU is a pretty awesome school, Garrick has always thought so and I'm now on board. This summer they played movies in their courtyard every Thursday. Not just any movie but new movies! All the movies we had been waiting to come to the dollar theater they played! And to make it even better they had FREE movie snacks! Like I said, I'm a fan. I hope they do this again next year!
Garrick and I had another family camping trip with his mom and all of 7 of his siblings at Pine View Reservoir. The lake was hands down the best part, the water was so warm and it had a real beach which was awesome. We ran to the grocery store for supplies and had to get the 25 cent ice cream cones!
Another fun summer event that happened was my good friend Christina got married! These girls were my freshmen roomies and we've been friends ever since. It's so fun now that we're all married and can get together with our hubbies!
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