Thursday, May 8, 2014

Summa Summa Summa

It's summer time baby!! Oh that feels so good to say. I couldn't really celebrate the end of the semester until Garrick finished his finals a week later. And now we are done and it is glorious! We feel much better about staying up late watching Netflix and eating ice cream now a days. And to kick off our summer we went down to Moab with our good friends Race and Aly, it only seemed fitting that we should spend another vacation together (see Cruise). I got off work early Friday afternoon so we could get going, the 3 hour drive flew by as we listened to the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship audio book (fyi it is such a long book-16 CDs!) Once we got there we found our old camping spot (which we found when we there March 2013) It's seriously the best spot, our hidden gem. Friday night we just chilled after setting up camp, we ate good food and talked for hours. It felt so good just to relax. 

 Saturday morning we all slept in which felt awesome and then hit the bike trails after breakfast. I'm not gonna lie, I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. When Garrick talked about mountain biking I was like ah yeah that be so fun. In my head I was picturing dirt trials and pretty scenery.  I got a rude awaking with our first trail of the day. It was called the Lazy EZ and it was awful. I literally fell off my bike every few feet. It was intense, and everyone else were pros barely breaking a sweat and then there I was trying to figure out how to ride a bike in a straight line with Garrick coaching behind me. Looking back I'm glad I went with experienced bikers because I was forced to learn quickly and by the end of the day I was loads more confident and managed to walk away injury free (if you don't count my 30+ bruises)

Saturday night we were all pretty worn out so we ate some more good food and recovered from biking. Eventually Race and Garrick got the itch to go exploring (being the boys that they are) so they hopped on their bikes while Aly and I sat contently by the fire chatting. Garrick and I love hanging out with Race and Aly because we can literally talk for hours, it's great! Once the boys came back we stuffed ourselves with smores then hit the hay. 

Sunday we packed up camp then decided to take it a little easier since it was the Sabbath so we hiked the Delicate Arch and it was beautiful. We finished that hike earlier then we thought so we decided to do one more hike before heading home. It was warm out so we found a hike that took us to some water. Coincidentally, Garrick and I had done this hike the last time we were in Moab (we didn't realize it till we got there). Bascially it's a short hike to get to this oasis, it was a water fall with cliffs to jump into the water. The last time I had come I had no desire to jump off the cliff into the water. This time however they found a higher cliff to jump off and everyone there was doing it so I get the itch to jump. Race went, then Garrick went, then it was my turn. So scary. So cold. But so fun! I wasn't planning on getting wet so I jumped in fully clothed, which made the walk back a bit uncomfortable. We went to the nearest gas station and changed before heading home. Thus ended the first Moab trip of the summer.  

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