Growing up in Iowa we acknowledged pioneer day but it was only celebrated maybe once or twice that I can remember in my childhood. So you can imagine my joy when I discovered that it is a real holiday here in Utah County, more so for BYU students who get to have the University shut down for a day! We started the morning by running in the first ever Temple to Temple 5k run. It was pretty cool to be a part of, we were among thousands of people who ran from the Provo temple to the new Provo Tabernacle temple. It was definitely a sight to see. During the run we were able to see lots of signs in the city saying what used to be there when the pioneers first settled, it was pretty neat. After successfully completing the run, we were hot and tired (I was ready for a nap) but unfortunately Garrick's work doesn't heed to this self proclaimed holiday and he had to go to work soon after the run. After work when I picked him up I was able to visit his work for the first time. Now all my curiosities in where he lives during the day have been answered. Once we left we went to his mom's house to celebrate the holiday with his family by eating yummy food and krispy kreme donuts (they have become my kryptonite). After stuffing our tummys we drove to the OWLs game where we sat in the grass, attempted to watch baseball (it was crowded and difficult to see), and finished the night with fireworks and Sonic shakes. I'd say it was a pretty successful holiday, I think I'll celebrate it again.
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