Love this little teddy bear!
Waking this baby up is one of my favorite things. Gosh she's cute.
We were a bit crazy and decided to go to Kansas City for Family Day at KCU. Garrick was so excited to show us his campus. Rosie slept the entire 17 hour drive there and the drive back. It was a little rough spending the day on campus though, we had to cut the day early. We decided to spend the rest of the weekend in Iowa so my dad could meet Rosie!
We were also fortunate to spend some time with Grandma Beck before she passed away. Grandma loved holding Rosie, she never took her eyes off her.
Garrick thinks they look like twins.

This picture has a story to it. Feeding Rosie was the most stressful part about being a new mom. She was a little baby so she was very sleepy which made feeding hard, she had a high palate so she had difficulty latching, and she screamed every time I attempted to feed her. Anyway 3 lactation consultants later, after two weeks of constantly fighting her to nurse I decided to give up. During this process we fed her a million different ways, and I mean we, Garrick was amazing and was there with me every step of the way to figure out how to feed her. I was determined to give her breast milk so I was pumping around the clock. At her two month appointment the nurse suggested I attempt to breastfeed again since she was a little older and a little bigger. With no expectations we started seeing a new lactation consultant and miraculously she was able to nurse! We were a little worried about going on this road trip because she was still figuring out how to nurse but she didn't skip a beat and did amazing on the trip. I am so proud of the fact that I can breastfeed so here is my photo to prove it!

Our baby girl has learned how to smile!
Rosie's two month shots were TERRIBLE. She did okay at the dr's office, and then fell asleep. They told me that she'd sleep for a while and then might wake up in some pain-that's the understatement of the year! She slept for about 6 hours and then woke up screaming!!! Luckily Kayla was with me so I wasn't alone. We tried giving her a bath and massaging her leg, tried feeding her, nothing stopped the screaming. Luckily I had bought tylenol on the way home from the dr's office, once I finally remembered that I had pain reliever I was able to stop the screaming. But after the screaming, came the no sleeping. I tried the whole day to get her to sleep but couldn't so we drove around, got donuts while we tried to get her to sleep, which of course didn't work. So we hung out the whole day. Notice her wide eyes haha.
Rosie's first time in the mountains!
So.. There we were in mountains.. enjoying the fresh air and the sound of the river flowing.. next thing I know there is yellow mustard poop everywhere.. nothing was left untouched.. this is all that remains..
Somehow Garrick convinced me to do some hiking in the snow...It was actually very beautiful and Rosie slept the whole time. All that mountain air really wiped her out!