This room has turned into another guest bedroom that is meant for the grand kids (hence the crib). Here is the before shot. I loved pre-teen Kayla, but lime green was an awful choice for a bedroom color....
This is the walk in closet that one hasn't been able to walk in for a number of years...
This was a huge project to tackle, especially since I knew my visit would be short. So this room will be completed through phases. The first phase was to de-junk! This took up the entire time I was home. But after some sweat, blood and tears, we threw out a ton of stuff!
After removing the junk here is the after picture:

I'm so proud of my mom for allowing me to get rid of so many memories. It was hard for her to let go of so many mementos from our childhood but she soldiered on for me!
The last thing I was able to do for this room before I flew back to Utah was pick out a new paint color. Those green walls HAD to go. I had really hoped that I would be able to paint before I left but didn't have the time. So together my mom and I picked a color and the next day she painted the room all by herself!
Here is the after paint picture:
So much better, right?? I love that we went with grey, it is so calming for this room. There are still a million things that need to be done to this room but I think we've made tremendous progress. Next up is to replace the beds, bedding, dresser, and add fun art. I'm really excited to see how it turns out. I can't wait until we move home for the summer-so many rooms to play with!! Thanks for letting me help decorate your house, mom!