Everyone was able to come home this year except for Carrie and Bret's family, they were greatly missed! It was so fun having everyone under one roof.
Garrick brings his gun everywhere and since we drove to Iowa he was able to take it. Mom was curious and wanted to hold it for herself, it was a pretty foreign object to her haha.
My parents always spoil us when we come home and Christmas break was no different. They got tickets for all of us to see the Mannheim Steamrollers concert! It was perfect for getting us in the Christmas spirit!
Christmas isn't complete without the nativity scene on Christmas Eve, Jimmer and Jeffrey were obsessed with Rusty the whole trip so it was only fitting that they were the shepherd to his sheep.
Colby and Kelsi snagged the role as Mary and Joseph (prego perks haha) I was an angel and Garrick was a wiseman.
Whenever the boys are together Risk is always a priority. They decided to play Christmas eve which meant they got very little sleep which resulted in Garrick waking up sick and us at Walgreens Christmas morning getting medicine.
Visiting the gingerbread house display at the tabernacle, another Beck tradition!
We played an intense game of bowling with the fam bam, it was a good time.
Visiting the temple was a highlight of the trip for me. I love going into the temple where we were sealed, and going with my siblings was really nice.
I cannot visit home without seeing this pretty girl. This is us awkwardly taking a picture in target.
Blurry photo but Garrick was a sweetheart and made us cinnamon rolls Christmas Eve to have for breakfast Christmas morning. They were deadly delicious rolls.
Grandpa Beck came with us and it was so cute watching him with the kiddies.
This picture is just adorable, I love them.
Going to the zoo with kids is so much more fun. They loved seeing everything!
Overall it was another successful Christmas break. My parents made sure we were all happily stuffed with food and gifts. I loved every single minute of it! But I'm thinking I need to take Garrick home when the weather isn't below freezing so we can actually enjoy Iowa a little more, I'll have to work on that.