Things you might not know about Garrick and I (This is for our posterity folks).. ready go!
1. Our first real callings as newly weds were to teach Marriage and Family in our ward. We loved loved loved this calling and is part of the reason we had such a hard time leaving that ward when we moved (we stuck around as long as the bishop let us).But we loved spending Sunday mornings reading through the lesson, talking about our marriage and finding new ways to improve then giving the lesson and getting so much participation in our class. We also learned how to teach together which was fun for us.
2. Since we've moved we no longer have a dishwasher and we have both developed a small hatred for doing the dishes. This usually results in a mountains of dishes by the end of the week, at that point we knock them out together. Dishes always seem more bearable with your spouse by your side. We usually find a topic to debate with each other and the time just flies! It's now rare not to do dishes together, we like it.
3. We LOVE Tillmook Smores ice cream (no other brand) and Sunny D otter pops, they are hands down our favorite treats. They are heavenly, seriously.
4. We like to dress each other; we didn't have a mirror for a good couple months so we had get approval from the other person before we left the house to make sure we looked presentable. Now that we have a mirror we can defend our clothing choices but the other person still usually wins.
5. We have a thing for medical shows. It probably has to do with the fact that Garrick is going into medicine, but we can't get enough of it. We just finished Grey's Anatomy and are now onto House. We like to think it's educational.
That's all for now, until next time!